Cable chain bracelet — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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A selection of handmade sterling silver bracelets and manufactured bracelets to complement handmade jewellery by Georgina Dunn Jewellery based in Brisbane, Australia.

Cable chain bracelet

Sold Out

Cable chain bracelet


Restocking soon, please message me if you would like to pre-order.

This listing is for a manufactured cable chain bracelet, perfect for hanging my hammered initial pendants from.


  • Sterling silver with a parrot clasp. It has been treated with a tarnish resistant finish which helps reduce the initial cleaning required with sterling silver jewellery, however expect this coating to wear off over time meaning that you will need to clean the oxidisation off with a silver cloth.


  • The bracelet links are 4.4 x 5.7mm each link

  • 20cm long

Prices are subject to change as the prices have been calculated based on weight and the price of silver.

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