Frequently asked questions — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Read the answer to many of the questions that Georgina Dunn Jewellery gets asked.

What payment methods do you accept?

Visa, Mastercard, American Express using STRIPE payments

Afterpay logo
PayPal Logo

You can also pay using PAYPAL and if you are eligible you can use Pay in 4.

*please note that afterpay is not available to international customers

Where is Your jewellery made?

I make all my jewellery in my studio in Brisbane, Australia.  I personally source and hand-select all materials in order to produce the highest quality product I can make.

I love jewellery design as much as making jewellery, so I take pride in spending time developing jewellery that will stand the test of time and be something that people will notice is different from the mass produced jewellery on the market.

What materials IS your jewellery made from?

All my jewellery is made using sterling silver or solid gold. The sterling silver that I primarily use is called Argentium which has a higher percentage of silver (935) and a metal called germanium. This Argentium silver is relatively new on the market, it is brighter, more tarnish resistant and is great for people who find they can’t wear standard sterling silver. Some parts like the silver chains that I use are traditional sterling silver.

I use cultured freshwater pearls, semi-precious stones and Swarovski crystals in my work. These are all carefully hand-selected to create you a quality long lasting product. Whilst the photographs that I take are the best reflection of the quality you can expect there will be differences in the shapes and colours in those natural gemstones due to each being individual natural products.

How will your jewellery come packaged?

Some jewellery comes presented on my large handmade jewellery cards which is then wrapped in tissue and fastened with a beautiful sticker.  This is then wrapped with a simple metallic gold ribbon and placed in my hand-stamped unbleached calico jewellery bag. 

Some items come in my branded brown kraft cardboard jewellery boxes featuring a white cotton fill. This is included to reduce tarnishing and is specially designed for storing sterling silver jewellery.   Each box is wrapped with a simple metallic gold ribbon.

Each parcel is accompanied by my business card.

All jewellery is then placed in a protective postal bag. 

Can I request gift wrapping?

YES! If you want to send your gift directly to the recipient, then I can wrap your jewellery appropriately for a gift if requested.  I can also include a personalised note if you would like.  Send me an email for more details.

where do i leave a review?

14 days after you placed your order you will receive and email from me asking for you to review the products in your order. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your order, I am always here to help.

I have a design that I would like made, do you do this kind of work?

NO, I don't do custom work. My primary interest is in designing my own collections.

I have a stone that I would like set, do you do this kind of work?

NO, I only create jewellery using stones that I have sourced myself.

Do you repair jewellery?

NO, I don’t offer the service of repairing jewellery.

Do you offer ring sizing?

I do not offer the service of resizing rings, to read more about selecting the correct ring size please head over to my ring sizing information page here.

Are you interested in collaborating with others to promote your work?

I would love to hear from other business who products or followers align with mine that would result in mutually beneficial promotion.

I would like someone to make a range of jewellery for me, do you do this kind of work?

NO, I don't make jewellery for other designers of businesses.

Who is responsible for import taxes for orders to New Zealand and USA?

YOU, I don’t collect taxes for overseas sales. You as the customer need to research and pay any relevant importing taxes, feel free to make contact to discuss this further. If you would like your order sent as a gift make sure you mark your order as a gift. If you are concerned about this area of ordering, please note that my Etsy shop collects all relevant taxes and duties and I can list the item for you there if need be.

Over a period of time a black shadow appears in a join in my ring. What is it?

Some jewellers do what is called rhodium plating which covers soldered joins and makes the jewellery appear whiter and brighter, rhodium plating requires maintenance as it will wear off over a period time, because this is a toxic and costly process I choose not to plate my jewellery. Over time your joins may become visible as the silver in the join tarnishes. This can be buffed away with a silver cleaning cloth if you chose. It doesn’t affect your jewellery and is nothing to be concerned about.