Wholesale and Stockists — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

Ready to post items processing times take 1-2 business days and made to order take 3-5 business days. Please see individual listings to see which category each item fits into.

FREE postage within Australia. International shipping to some countries available read more here.

Georgina xx

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Wholesale and Stockists

DO you wholesale?

Yes, I do have collections that are perfect for wholesaling to retailers who align well with my business. If you are interested in stocking my jewellery then please contact me for my wholesale terms.


In addition to this website, I also have an ETSY SHOP

previous stockists

  • Artisan gallery, King Street, Fortitude Valley, QLD

  • King’s Pocket - Griffith

  • Bowerbird Collective - Brisbane

  • Breathing Colours - Sydney

  • Deadly Companions - The Rocks - Sydney

  • Museum of Brisbane Shop

  • Hoglund Art Glass Studio - New Zealand and Australia

you might have seen my pop ups at

  • Bulimba Blues and Brews 2021, 2023

  • Bulimba Christmas markets 2021, 2022, 2023 and I look forward to seeing you there in 2024!

  • Paddington Christmas markets 2022

  • Market Folk - South City Square 2020, 2021

plus many other markets around Brisbane over the last 20 years