Shipping Information — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

Ready to post items processing times take 1-2 business days and made to order take 3-5 business days. Please see individual listings to see which category each item fits into.

FREE postage within Australia. International shipping to some countries available read more here.

Georgina xx

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Shipping Information

For Christmas cut off dates for 2024 please click here


Processing times are in the announcement bar at the top of my website when you arrive. Please read this announcement as this lists my current processing times and if my shop is currently open or taking a short break.

Delivering to Australia, USA and New Zealand

Please read my announcement bar for current processing times.


$0 Standard tracked postage with $5 express upgrade

Estimated standard delivery time in Queensland (business days)

Within metropolitan areas of capital cities, or within the same city or town or an adjacent city or town in the same state

  • 2-3 days

Between metropolitan areas of capital cities and country locations

  • 3-4 days

Estimated standard delivery time to all other states in Australia (business days)

Between metro areas of capital cities

  • 3-4 days

Between metro areas of capital cities and country locations

  • 4-6 days

United States of America and Sweden

Standard $ 15 - includes tracking information

  • 9-25 business days to metro areas

Express upgrade $ 25 - includes tracking information and signature on delivery (please ensure you are at the address to sign when the parcel arrives)

  • 8-18 business days to metro areas

New zealand

Standard tracked - $10

  • 9-15 business days to metro areas

Express - $20

  • 6-12 business days to metro areas

Important information about shipping

  • The above prices are AUD$

  • I do not collect taxes. If there is tax to be paid on the items ordered, you need to research this and pay for any outstanding amounts when the item arrives in your country.

  • These are based on current charges only and are subject to change.

  • I will only provide refunds for parcels which have been officially been deemed lost in transit and only after an investigation by Australia Post has resulted in compensation for the lost items.

  • If you provide incorrect delivery details you are liable for the added cost of the parcel being returned to me so make sure that you check you delivery details when ordering.

How will my jewellery come packaged?

  • Some jewellery comes presented on my large handmade jewellery cards which is then wrapped in tissue and fastened with a beautiful sticker.  This is then wrapped with a simple metallic gold ribbon and placed in my hand-stamped unbleached calico jewellery bag. 

  • Some items come in my branded brown kraft cardboard jewellery boxes feature a white non-tarnishing cotton fill, designed for storing sterling silver jewellery.   Each box is wrapped with a simple metallic gold ribbon.

  • Each parcel is accompanied by my business card.

  • All jewellery is then wrapped in bubble wrap before being place in a tough protective bag.