Care Instructions — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Georgina xx

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Care Instructions

Care instructions for looking after your handmade sterling silver jewellery by Australian jeweller Georgina Dunn.

care instructions

Clean your jewellery

I recommend wiping you jewellery with a good quality silver cloth to restore the shine and remove tarnish.

For more stubborn marks or for a deeper clean, clean your jewellery with only with a drop of dishwashing liquid in bowl or basin of water. Use a soft cloth or soft toothbrush to gently clean away any dirt or grime. Harsh cleaning products may damage your jewellery.

How to look after your new purchase

I take great pride in the care and attention I put into every handcrafted piece of jewellery I make, and I use quality materials to ensure every item is made to last. To ensure you gain years of pleasure from your jewellery, I suggest the following:

Put your jewellery on last and take it off first.

This helps avoid contact with chemicals in perfumes and skin creams that can react with silver and some gemstones. It will also prevent earrings or necklaces snagging on clothing.

Don’t wear your jewellery in the shower or swimming pool.

The chemicals in water and swimming pools can tarnish silver and discolour or stain some pearls and gemstones.

Don’t bend or force your jewellery.

Your jewellery is delicate and needs to be handled with care. Earring catches and hooks are made from sterling silver which is a soft metal and forcing them may permanently bend them out of shape.

XX Georgina