Ethics and sustainability — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Georgina xx

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Ethics and sustainability


When creating my jewellery, I carefully select my materials from reputable sources committed to ethical and sustainable practices. For instance, I partner with Palloys, Australia's only jewellery manufacturer and wholesaler accredited by the Responsible Jewellery Council. Their metals are not only ethically sourced but also sustainably refined, ensuring traceability from mine to retail. As Palloys and ABC Refinery exceed the highest international standards in environmental and community responsibility, I can confidently stand by the quality and integrity of the materials used in my creations.

Though I'm always striving to improve, I understand that achieving complete traceability, especially with pearls, semi-precious beads and stones, can be challenging. I make it a point to support local stone cutters and utilize recycled stones from fellow jewellers whenever possible. I'm dedicated to asking more of the the right questions to refine my material sourcing practices. It's all part of my journey to maintain a business that's conscious, ethical, and sustainable. With more people asking these questions, I know that we can drive change.


At Georgina Dunn Jewellery, I prioritise the entire lifecycle of my products and packaging. From design to disposal, sustainability is woven into every step of my process. I achieve this by mindfully selecting packaging materials that are biodegradable, reusable, and/or made from recycled materials to minimise waste.

These pendants are made out of scraps of Argentium sterling silver left over from making my jewellery. I melt the scraps down into a blob and then hammer and sand them to a polished finish, so that they can be stamped for personalised initial pendants. I enjoy coming up with ways to reuse materials in my workshop.

Best Practice

In my jewellery studio, safety and sustainability go hand in hand. By producing jewellery in small batches and made-to-order, I minimize waste and ensure that each piece receives the attention and care it deserves. I prioritise the use of non-hazardous materials and avoid rhodium plating my pieces, ensuring safety within my studio environment.


Supporting local and small businesses is at the heart of what I do. Whether it's sourcing materials or collaborating with fellow artisans, I prioritise partnerships that empower community and contribute to a more creative and sustainable future.


Every piece of jewellery is a labour of love, meticulously handmade by me. Each piece is priced to reflect fair compensation for my time and expertise. When you choose Georgina Dunn Jewellery, you're not just purchasing a beautiful accessory—you're supporting a local artisan and nurturing a creative community. For that, I am truly grateful.