Selecting ring size — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Selecting ring size

Use my handy chart to guide you to selecting the correct ring size for your order.

Navigating ring sizes can be a daunting task. You have found an amazing jeweller (like me) online and you are dying to order that ring you found, but you don’t know your ring size?? eek!

There are several ways you easily determine the right ring size to buy.


Here is a table that I created that allows you to see the different ring sizes commonly used by my customers. If you are for example an Australian size S then I would recommend buying a US size 9 ring. You will know if you need to go slightly up or slightly down depending on the current fit. If you find that you are still confused, don’t forget that you can message me to discuss this when you are thinking of placing an order.


Most local jewellery stores will offer you a ring sizing service. It really pays to measure a few of your fingers that you like to have rings on while you there, make sure that you measure both hands as they are bound to be slightly different, I know mine are.


Order a ring sizer from me which I will post out to help with your measurements. These are an easy to use option that will enable you to size your own fingers in the comfort of your home. You can either A - buy the ring sizer and get $10 voucher towards your ring purchase with no commitment, or B - order the ring and request a ring sizer to be sent to you to confirm the size.


You can find a ring that already fits you perfectly on the finger that you want your new ring, and measure that. To do this you need a ruler with millimetres and a keen eye.

  1. lay your ring down on a flat surface

  2. place the ruler over the top of the ring so that it measures the inside diameter of the ring (inside diameter is the width of the cutout area inside the circle)

  3. take as accurate a reading from the ruler as you can and record the number to the closest mm (decimal inch is ok too).

  4. look at the above ring chart using the internal diameter measurement to guide you to the best corresponding ring size, either US or the Australian and British sizing.

What happens if I order the wrong sized ring?

It's very important that you get the correct size ring before ordering, either when ordering for yourself or for a gift. Make sure you allow plenty of time to work this through. I have written a blog post about how to work out what ring size you need and offer to send you a ring-sizer to help in selecting the correct size. Some rings are not able to be resized due to the way that I make them and resizing is a service which I don’t offer. As a small business producing your handmade jewellery to order, I cannot offer you a refund for ordering the wrong size. I am here to support you after purchase, so if this has happened to you I am happy for you to make contact to discuss.