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Handmade sterling silver flat bangle


A selection of handmade sterling silver bracelets and manufactured bracelets to complement handmade jewellery by Georgina Dunn Jewellery based in Brisbane, Australia.

Handmade sterling silver flat bangle


Handmade sterling silver flat bangle

from A$260.00

A classic stackable polished handmade bangle made from sterling silver.


  • 5mm wide

  • 2mm thick

please select size

  • 65mm inner diameter (medium) - in stock and ready to post

  • 70mm inner diameter (large) - made to order


  • sterling silver

The 70mm bangle is made to order, please note that this item has a longer lead time than other items I make, please allow up to two weeks processing time.

Please note the above measurements are approximate only. The second picture shows this bracelet with another from my collection showing how good the different shapes look stacked together. This listing is only for the bracelet in the first photograph.

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