Large gold polishing cloth — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Large gold polishing cloth

Care products

Browse a selection of care products to keep your handmade sterling silver jewellery clean and shiny. Georgina Dunn Jewellery based in Brisbane, Queensland in Australia.

Large gold polishing cloth

Sold Out

Large gold polishing cloth

from A$22.00

Town Talk provides what is regarded as top quality products for precious metal care.

This gold polish cloth is a large size of 30cm x 45cm which is impregnated with anti-tarnish protection. It is designed to restore the lustre to your tarnished sterling silver, gold and platinum jewellery and protect it from tarnishing meaning your jewellery will stay looking good for longer. The cloth is reusable and designed to last just as long as you don’t give it a wash. It is recommend that you wash your hands after use.


  • you can buy the cloth by itself and pay for it to come in a large untracked letter (within Australia only)

  • or

  • you can add a cloth to an order of jewellery and take advantage of the free tracked domestic shipping, or tracked standard international shipping see here for charges

Please note that if you don’t add any jewellery to your order and don’t select the correct option your order will be cancelled and you will received a request to reorder correctly. If you have any questions please message me for clarificaton.

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