Large white baroque freshwater pearl pendant with ball detail — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Large white baroque freshwater pearl pendant with ball detail


Clearance items - get yourself some handmade sterling silver jewellery at a reduced price. All jewellery is created by Georgina Dunn Jewellery in Brisbane, Australia.

Large white baroque freshwater pearl pendant with ball detail


Large white baroque freshwater pearl pendant with ball detail

Sale Price:A$119.00 Original Price:A$149.00

This large baroque shaped freshwater pearl pendant is handmade with sterling silver and Argentium sterling silver. The pendant that is shown in the photograph is the actual pendant that you will receive. This pendant has a few extras to my other pearl pendants as it has a ball of silver detail on the side of the pearl and a little dangle of silver from the bail to add a bit of movement and balance to the pendant.

This listing is for the pendant only, the necklace is sold separately.


  • sterling silver

  • Argentium sterling silver

  • large white baroque freshwater pearl


  • total drop 37mm

  • pearl dimensions 21x15.5mm

  • bail inner dimension 6.5mm

Please note all measurements are approximate only.

Chains I stock for pendants can be found here.

Only 1 available
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If this pendant is ordered on its own it will be wrapped up as below. If it is ordered along with a necklace then they will be strung together and wrapped up as one package as described below.

This necklace comes wrapped in tissue and fastened with a beautiful sticker. This is then wrapped with a simple metallic gold ribbon and placed in my hand-stamped unbleached calico jewellery bag. Each parcel is accompanied by my business card.

For posting this is then wrapped in bubble wrap for protection in transit.