Tanzanite wing drop earrings — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Tanzanite wing drop earrings


Tanzanite wing drop earrings


Tanzanite wing drop earrings

Sale Price:A$259.00 Original Price:A$370.00

When I bought these amazing wings of tanzanite I didn’t know what I was going to create with them, but they were just so beautiful. They cost a lot more than the stones I normally buy but I knew they would make a striking one off pair. Adding veins to the front of the stone to encase them has worked beautifully and I am very proud of this pair. I hope that whomever receives them will love them as much as I do.


  • tanzanite wings

  • Argentium sterling silver


  • total drop from the ear is approx 37mm

  • 9-10mm width

  • .9mm thick ear wires

Only 1 available
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