Gift wrapping with personalised card - select celebration — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Gift options

Select a gift card amount to send to your loved one or business colleague. Also you can select the option of gift wrapping your order along with a personalised message in a card. Perfect for buying a gift for someone when you can’t be with them to give yourself.

Gift wrapping with personalised card - select celebration

Christmas gift wrap 2020.jpg

Gift wrapping with personalised card - select celebration


Are you buying my jewellery as a gift? Although my jewellery is already beautifully wrapped you can send your jewellery straight to the recipient and I will gift wrap and add a personalised note from you.

  • My jewellery bag is wrapped again in brown paper with accent paper. An added tassel or ribbon adds a nice finish (actual wrapping paper may differ to those pictured).

  • Personalise your card with a message hand written on the inside.

Add this item to your shopping cart alongside your jewellery selection.

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These photos are indicative only of the type of wrap quality to be expected. Actual gift wrap designs may vary, however by selecting your celebration I can create an appropriate gift-wrap for your needs.

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