Peacock freshwater pearl pendant — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Peacock freshwater pearl pendant

Pendant charms

Stackable pendant charms

Create a personalised necklace by selecting an initial stamped charm, a pearl or semi-precious charm and then heading over to my necklace section to choose the style and length of the necklace you want to hang them on, or alternatively on one of the bracelets. Perfect for gifting.

Peacock freshwater pearl pendant


Peacock freshwater pearl pendant

Sale Price:A$44.00 Original Price:A$55.00

A peacock coloured pearl sterling silver pendant. Great for stacking or worn simply on a necklace on its own.


  • Argentium sterling silver and fine silver

  • peacock coloured freshwater pearl


  • 22mm total drop

  • 5mm inner diameter of the bail

  • 10x11mm pearl approximately

Please note that the above measurement are approximate only. This listing is for the pendant only. Chains I stock for pendants can be found here.

Only 1 available
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If you select a necklace to go with this pendant I will string it on and send it wrapped together.