Multisizer - for determining your ring size II — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Multisizer - for determining your ring size II

Multisizer - for determining your ring size II


Have you read my blog on selecting the right ring size?

Included in your purchase is the ring sizer which works like a ziplock tie. Because it has markings on it that are universally accurate you can easily read what ring size your finger is. Plus the sizer comes with easy to read and follow instructions.


The Multisizer works like a belt. Simply push the end through the buckle to form a ring shape.

Slip the Multisizer onto your finger. Adjust to give a comfortable fit, checking that it just slips back over the knuckle.

When best fit is achieved, read off size indicated by the arrow.

Choose between the numerical sizing system (US) or the Alphabet system (AUS). I can make rings to size based on either system.

Also you will receive a coupon code to get $10 off your first ring order of over $100.

This item will be sent in a standard untracked envelope via Australia Post within Australia only. It cannot be sent via this method to overseas buyers so if you are an international customer it must be added to an order of an item of jewellery and be sent out together.

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