Thin chevron ring - 9ct yellow gold - made in your size — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Simple sterling silver or 9ct yellow gold rings without stones or pearls. Handmade in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Some items are ready to post, whereas others can be made to order in your size.

Thin chevron ring - 9ct yellow gold - made to size


Thin chevron ring - 9ct yellow gold - made to size


Simple delicate 9ct yellow gold ring - made in your size.


  • 9ct yellow gold


  • 1.2mm round band

  • made to size- Please enter your desired size in the pop up box when you add to your cart.

Only available from US size 6 - size 9. If you require different sizes please message me for a quote before ordering.

Prices are subject to change.

This ring is made to order. Please read my announcement bar for my current processing times.

Only 1 available
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