Valentines day - a buying guide — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Valentines day - a buying guide


Valentines day - a buying guide

Georgina Degreef

Valentine’s day is the perfect opportunity to show your loved one that you care. However, choosing the perfect gift can cause anxiety, as you want to make sure you are sending the right message; You want to show you care, but you don’t want to scare someone off or send the wrong message. More personal than chocolates or flowers, and not as risky as lingerie, jewellery is the perfect option, not just for Valentine’s day but for any time you want to show someone you care. With time and effort, you can find the perfect choice for whatever message you want to send, without having to break the bank.

Here are a few of my tips for choosing jewellery as a gift (for both women and men).

Choose something that matches the level or status of your relationship and the message you want to send. Of course, nothing beats gold and diamonds to truly say I love you, but if you have only been out a few times or if the relationship is not at that stage, you can still buy jewellery. Something like my range of sterling silver earrings in a number of colours is perfect. For the same price as some chocolates or flowers you can purchase something beautiful, hand-crafted and long-lasting. When it comes to sending a message of how much you care, bespoke hand-crafted jewellery is best. I design and make every piece personally, so you know you are giving something special.

Earrings, Rings or Bracelets? When it comes to jewellery, we all know that rings have more meaning and significance than other jewellery. If you are not ready to get engaged or talk about commitment and future plans, it may be better to choose earrings, a necklace or a bracelet. Rings also need to be sized to ensure the perfect fit for their finger, so take more research.  Bracelets and necklaces are also a more personal and intimate choice than earrings, and signal the strength of your feelings accordingly. They also tend to be more expensive than earrings, however it is still possible to buy beautiful silver and semi-precious stone necklaces and bracelets without spending a fortune. Earrings are often the simpler, but no less meaningful choice. Take note of their preferred style though – gold or silver? studs, hoops or ‘dangly’? And remember to check whether they have their ears pierced…

Jewellery is made to be worn, so choose something to match your partner’s style. The classic elegance of freshwater pearls suits most styles because of its timeless simplicity and neutral colours. If on the other hand they prefer brighter colours and more modern designs, glass, crystals and semi-precious stones offer a range of livelier options. Remember to choose something that will match their style and they will enjoy wearing, not just something you like.

It is about the experience, not just the item. When it comes to gifts, the setting and the packaging can be as important as the gift itself. No matter what you buy, ensure that the way you present it sends the same message. Choose packaging and wrapping that is as beautiful as the gift itself.   Choosing jewellery doesn’t have to be a stressful decision. With a little effort and research, you will find that perfect gift.