Christmas shopping cut off dates 2021 — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

Ready to post items processing times take 1-2 business days and made to order take 3-5 business days. Please see individual listings to see which category each item fits into.

FREE postage within Australia. International shipping to some countries available read more here.

Georgina xx

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Christmas shopping cut off dates 2021


Christmas shopping cut off dates 2021

Georgina Degreef

Cut off dates for Christmas


your handy guide

As Christmas drawers nearer, most of us are thinking of Christmas gifts for our loved ones.

Being an online shop it’s important to me that you order your gift in plenty of time to avoid disappointment.

After considering the data provided by Australia Post for Christmas 2021 sending dates, I have created my own easy to use chart below. I don’t advise waiting until these dates and recommend ordering as early as possible in order to have the best chance of them arriving by Christmas.

In order to allow your parcel time to arrive before Christmas please see the below cut off dates*.

Standard parcel post - FREE

  • Made to order items - please order by or before Friday 27th November 12pm

  • Ready to Post items - please order by or before Friday 4th December 12pm

Express post upgrade - $5

  • Made to order items - please order by or before Friday 4th December 12pm

  • Ready to Post items - METRO CAPITAL CITY ONLY - please order by or before Friday 10 December 12pm

How do I know if an item is Made to order or Ready to Post?

Each listing has written at the bottom if the item is ready to post or made to order. If made to order a time frame of how long it will take will be listed. If you need help or clarification about an item, please get in touch with me to find out more.

I have left it too late to order what can I do?

Gift cards are an excellent way of buying gifts for loved ones after the above cut off dates.

Why can I not arrange postage to New Zealand or the USA anymore?

From this date forward until after Christmas I will be only sending goods domestically. If you are a buyer from overseas looking at purchasing jewellery as a gift to be sent within Australia, feel free to get in touch with me to discuss your options.

Disclaimer *Once your order passes into Australia Posts hands, I cannot be responsible for any delay that may occur resulting in your order not arriving by 24/12/21. These dates have been created based on data provided by Australia Post and I have made an allowance for extra time for possible delays. Ordering after these dates may result in your ordering being delivered after Christmas, however Australia Post will still deliver then as quickly as possible.

Merry Christmas to you all, thank you for supporting small and handmade this Christmas.

Georgina xx