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Georgina xx

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Filtering by Tag: Argentium

My new collection GEOMETRY has been released online

Georgina Degreef

Small stud earrings from new GEOMETRY collection

Small stud earrings from new GEOMETRY collection

Featuring crisp, clean lines; matched with subtle, natural curves, this range of hand crafted Swarovski  crystal and Argentium Sterling silver earrings comes in a variety of new styles to suit any  occasion. 

"In this collection, I have been exploring form and shape, and I have balanced the geometry of the Swarovski crystals with my own hand-made hooks, inspired by simple architectural forms, to create a unique and timeless range of hand-made earrings."

From the striking black spike to the vibrant London blue studs and the simple elegance of clear oval chain drop earrings, the Geometry collection suits all tastes and styles. 

As a special offer to celebrate the release of this fantastic collection of Australian designed and hand made earrings, quote the code G2018S at checkout to receive a 15% discount on Geometry earrings until the end of October 2018.