Christmas pop up markets Saturday 5th December 2020 — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Georgina xx

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Christmas pop up markets Saturday 5th December 2020


Christmas pop up markets Saturday 5th December 2020

Georgina Degreef

I would love to see you this Saturday 5th December

Come to see my pop up stall at South City Square at 101/148 Logan Road, Woolloongabba this Saturday from 9am - 1pm. I will have all my jewellery set up for you to select your Christmas gifts from. Lots of the best-selling designs and many items never listed online. Check out my new collections in person and get sized up for that ring you have been lusting after.

Shop local this Christmas

It has been a long time since I did a market but I couldn’t resist participating in this indoor Christmas pop up market being held in my local neighbourhood. What is not to love about spending time browsing handmade goods on a lazy Saturday morning knowing that you are going to make someones Christmas a little bit brighter.

Support small

Avoid the crowded mall this year and come and support local handmade business people. #supportsmall

Where will I be located?

WIth Covid restrictions there will be only one entry and one exit point. You will find me located by the exit point, you won’t be able to miss me!