Christmas cut-off dates for domestic parcels 2020 — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

Ready to post items processing times take 1-2 business days and made to order take 3-5 business days. Please see individual listings to see which category each item fits into.

FREE postage within Australia. International shipping to some countries available read more here.

Georgina xx

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Christmas cut-off dates for domestic parcels 2020


Christmas cut-off dates for domestic parcels 2020

Georgina Degreef

For Christmas 2020 I have selected this cute spotted paper for my wrapping, you can select gift wrapped to add to your cart in my Gift Wrapping section.  It also comes with a handwritten card containing your own personal message.

For Christmas 2020 I have selected this cute spotted paper for my wrapping, you can select gift wrapped to add to your cart in my Gift Wrapping section. It also comes with a handwritten card containing your own personal message.

Christmas cut-off dates 2020 for domestic delivery

This year a large volume of parcels are expected to be in the postal network, so ordering early has been vitally important. We are fast approaching some very important domestic delivery cut off dates. Please read the information below. As always the decision is yours to select the shipping option you prefer, however please be aware that your parcel arriving by Christmas is important to me. Plus I don’t want to spend my Christmas dealing with late parcels, I need a break too!

Domestic standard shipping/large letter option - Friday 11th December 2020

For domestic parcels and large letters my cut-off date is Friday 11th December 2020. Orders will need to be received no later than 2:30pm AEST in order to be processed in time to reach Australia Post before cut off. So if you want to place an order after this date you need to select EXPRESS SHIPPING. If you place an order after this time I will send you a message to alert you to this information. You may choose to proceed with this selection of delivery but I take no responsibility if your order does not arrive in time for Christmas.

Express shipping - Friday 18th December 2020

For express domestic parcels my cut-off date is Friday 18th December 2020. Orders will need to be received no later than 2:30pm AEST in order to be processed in time to reach Australia Post before cut off. Ordering after this time will mean your order will not arrive in time for Christmas. If you place an order after this time I will send you a message to alert you to this information. You may choose to proceed with this selection of delivery but I take no responsibility if your order does not arrive in time for Christmas.