Recent reviews of my jewellery - send me yours — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Georgina xx

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Recent reviews of my jewellery - send me yours

Georgina Degreef

As an artisan jeweller I find that I have so many things to juggle each day, and therefore sometimes some things just have to be put on the back burner. I have plans to integrate some kind of reviewing system onto my website, but I simply don’t find the time at the moment. Lucky for me, I can put things together into these blog posts and hopefully you will find the below reviews helpful when deciding if you would like to purchase from my website.

Please understand that all the below reviews are authentic. They have been sent to me via email or private message by customers who have given permission for me to publish these on their behalf for my business.

If you have bought from me and would like me to put your review here, please send me a message and I will look to include it here too.

As always, I want my customers to be happy with their orders, so if you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch via email, direct message or by phone.

Hi Georgina,
I recently ordered two pairs of stud earrings from your website – the silver nuggets and the baroque pearls.
Thank you for your prompt service. I received them the next day and I am delighted with both pairs. The high quality is evident. They were attractively packaged and I appreciated the handwritten note from you.
I definitely recommend Georgina Dunn jewellery to anyone considering a purchase.
— email - Vivian J - 26/01/2021
Hi Georgina, I just wanted to let you know that my beautiful jewellery arrived today, only two days after I ordered it. Amazing service, by both you and Australia Post! Thank you for upgrading the postage to express, that was so very kind of you. I can’t believe that I am already wearing these stunning items. How gorgeous is the colour in those Akoya pearls?! The Tahitian black drop is more than I had hoped for. Thank you so very much for your time and amazing knowledge in helping me with these choices. This started with a gift voucher from my special school girlfriends, to whom I have already sent photos. The addition from you of the hand-written note and the gold polishing cloth have just made an important [or scary!] milestone birthday all the more special. With heartfelt thanks, and best wishes to you and your family for a happy and healthy year
— email - Jill F - 7/01/2021
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Hello Georgina,
”Happy New Year to you!
A year ago (early October 2019) for my 50th birthday my daughters and husband purchased me some of your beautifully crafted extra large baroque pearl earrings and a matching baroque pearl pendant and chain. This was the best surprise ever as I had been admiring your beautiful jewellery for years on etsy! They are absolutely stunning! And are a treasured gift! I get many complements and always feel very special when I wear them. The thing I love the most about wearing my beautiful pearls is the reminder that the baroque pearl gives me is that you don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful! I think its an extremely important message for all women these days!
— private message - Jodie K - 02/01/2021
Hi Georgina,
I’ve received my beautiful pearl earrings, they match my necklace perfectly. I tried to do a review on Etsy, but couldn’t work it out., I’m not on fb.

Thank you I love my earrings.
— email - Elizabeth C - 16/11/2020