Reviews — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Georgina xx

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Georgina Degreef

What I have learned about my business from reviews

At a recent event held by the Brisbane City Council about social media, I was advised that lots of information about your business can be found in the reviews left by your customers. Whilst I don’t currently have the technical capability to include a review system on my website, I have over 250 reviews in my Etsy shop to look through. After reading through as many as I could before it became too repetitious, I found some key points that kept coming up. I thought I would address them below


Fast processing time

By listing items that I currently have made up in stock, I am able to process orders the same day if they are made before 2:30 AEST. Customers love that their order is on its way so soon after ordering, having express options often means that customers get their orders the very next day.

Thoughtfully and beautifully packaged

All my jewellery comes carefully wrapped. I used kraft recycled paper boxes and my own handmade calico bags stamped with my logo. All orders come ready for gifting without pricing information and the attention to detail has been loved by all my customers. Some say it’s like getting a gift from yourself.

Fantastic communication

Customer service has been my area of expertise throughout my career. I take pride in making sure that your purchase of my jewellery exceeds your expectations. I want each and every customer to be happy with their order and I take time to speak to my customers answering any questions that they might have, both before purchase and after.

True to the photos or better

Whilst I do think my photos are pretty good, jewellery is notoriously difficult to photograph. Lots of customers love the fact that most of the time the piece that they receive, is the one that is actually in the photo. If there is a variance I usually disclose this and provide more detailed pictures of the variance. I love to hear that the jewellery is better in person than the photo.

My jewellery draws admiration from others

After going through the process of selecting your jewellery online and receiving it, it is so lovely when someone notices your new jewellery! I know I am excited when someone notices my latest designs when i wear them. Not only is my jewellery designed to be eye catching, it is my hope that it is comfortable and functional for you to wear.