Blues and Brews in Bulimba, Brisbane in October 2023 — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Georgina xx

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Blues and Brews in Bulimba, Brisbane in October 2023


Blues and Brews in Bulimba, Brisbane in October 2023

Georgina Degreef

On the 8th of November 2023 I set up at the Blues and Brews Festival in Bulimba. I love attending this event and also the Christmas market which is an annual event, this year put on by the Councillor for Morningside Lucy Collier and organised by the Good Times Event Company.

I thought I would show you a few photos from the day so you get a little view of my jewellery on display.

Below is a view into what’s in stock in my snake collection.

A collection of beautiful greens grouped together.

This beautiful chrysoprase ring went home with a very happy customer!

And one of my favourites are the sunshine earrings which I sell in round or teardrop shapes.

On Sunday 3rd November I will be setting up again for the Christmas market which will run from mid afternoon into the evening. I hope that you might be inspired to head over to say hi.

Georgina xx