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Georgina xx

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Beyond the Bars Art Exhibition - open to the public on Saturday 29th March 2025 10am-2pm

Georgina Degreef

Thanks to Green Fox Studio for inviting to me to participate as a local artist in another of their exhibitions, I always find their events thought provoking and an excellent networking event. If you are interested in coming along to this event to see local artists art works alongside that of artists impacted by the criminal justice system, please come on Saturday29th of March when the exhibition is open to the public. If you are interested in coming to the opening please find the contact details in the image below. I look forward to seeing you there.

You can read more about social enterprise Green Fox Studio here.

Find out more about the event location the SuperOrdinary here which is located at 175 MacArthur Ave, Hamilton, QLD.

Feature in the window display in BCC Suburban Business Hub in Nundah

Georgina Degreef

Today I have been setting up my display in the window of the Brisbane City Council’s Suburban Business Hub in Nundah. The Brisbane City Council provides this space for workshops, networking and as a bookable space for Brisbane Businesses.

As part of the display, Brisbane City Council is going to do some promotion of my small business. I am very grateful for this extra exposure but I am also thankful because I have been attending free business courses throughout the last few years and I always come away with a wealth of knowledge from every session.

Use this link to find out more about the other business on display in the window and read more about the artist displaying art on the walls inside the Hub.

I must admit that it is quite hard to take a photo of a window display with two layers of reflective glass!

If you are wondering the address of the Business Hub, it is 16 Aspinall St, Nundah QLD 4012.

Later today two other small businesses will be setting up displays in the cabinets either side of mine.

On the bottom shelf I have put some of the colours of my signature teardrop earring range along with a QR code so that customers can view them on my website.

I hope that you will spot my display from today until the 16th February 2024.


Blues and Brews in Bulimba, Brisbane in October 2023

Georgina Degreef

On the 8th of November 2023 I set up at the Blues and Brews Festival in Bulimba. I love attending this event and also the Christmas market which is an annual event, this year put on by the Councillor for Morningside Lucy Collier and organised by the Good Times Event Company.

I thought I would show you a few photos from the day so you get a little view of my jewellery on display.

Below is a view into what’s in stock in my snake collection.

A collection of beautiful greens grouped together.

This beautiful chrysoprase ring went home with a very happy customer!

And one of my favourites are the sunshine earrings which I sell in round or teardrop shapes.

On Sunday 3rd November I will be setting up again for the Christmas market which will run from mid afternoon into the evening. I hope that you might be inspired to head over to say hi.

Georgina xx

Collaboration with Gabba Dance

Georgina Degreef

Georgina Dunn Jewellery is collaborating with Gabba Dance to create an evening where you can view my jewellery collection and have a taster of Beth’s dance classes for adults. Your $5 entry fee simply covers nibbles and drinks. I would love to invite my customers to come along and enjoy the evening with my favourite people, I will even be doing some special pricing for the night.

Thanks to Beth for taking some photos of the night. I was so busy I didn’t get a chance to take any photos.

Don’t I make a good platter??

Some happy customers on the night.