Paper Chained — Blog — Georgina Dunn Jewellery

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Georgina xx

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Beyond the Bars Art Exhibition - open to the public on Saturday 29th March 2025 10am-2pm

Georgina Degreef

Thanks to Green Fox Studio for inviting to me to participate as a local artist in another of their exhibitions, I always find their events thought provoking and an excellent networking event. If you are interested in coming along to this event to see local artists art works alongside that of artists impacted by the criminal justice system, please come on Saturday29th of March when the exhibition is open to the public. If you are interested in coming to the opening please find the contact details in the image below. I look forward to seeing you there.

You can read more about social enterprise Green Fox Studio here.

Find out more about the event location the SuperOrdinary here which is located at 175 MacArthur Ave, Hamilton, QLD.